Paulas dramatik under lupp i tysk avhandling

Paulas dramatik under lupp i tysk avhandling

Författaren Ute Scharfenberg (Fil Dr. i teatervetenskap vid Humbolt Universitet i Berlin) ser en utveckling inom modern dramatik som kännetecknas av ”a very high degree of complexity”. I sin avhandling “Komplexität auf der Bühne” analyserar hon tre samtida dramatiska verk som exempel på detta: ”Scorched” av Wajdi Mouawad, ”People respect me now” av Paula Stenström Öhman och ”Das Schwarze Wasser” av Roland Schimmelpfennig.

”In terms of artistic intentions, formal construction and ways in which reality is dealt with, this new model of complexly interwoven fables goes beyond contemporary concepts of dramaturgical cross-linking that are based on a non-committaly proliferating theatricality. The plots and even the dramatic characters show themselves to be universally interwoven. With respect to the audience, the dramaturgy mobilizes a sustained rationally alert and cognitively as well as affectively profound involvement. /…/ The research strongly focuses on the plays’ relation to reality, their structural construction, use of dramaturgical strategies and tools and the way in which they communicate reality.” (excerpt from abstract)
Förlag: Transcript Verlag. Läs mer här.

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